NORDEN/GREKLAND. Nordiska motståndsrörelsen lämnade idag in ett protestbrev till de grekiska ambassadörerna i Stockholm, Oslo, Helsingfors och Köpenhamn, med krav om att omedelbart släppa Gyllene grynings partiledare Nikolaos Michaloliakos.

På morgonen lördagen den 28 september inledde den grekiska regimen en arresteringsvåg mot ledande medlemmar i det politiska partiet Gyllene gryning. Regimen anklagar de gripna för att tillhöra en ”kriminell organisation”. För närvarande har några av de som greps släppts fria i väntan på eventuella åtal och en kommande rättegång. Gyllene grynings ledare, Nikolaos Michaloliakos, sitter dock fortfarande fängslad tillsammans med flera andra ledande medlemmar av partiet.

På grund av detta har Nordiska motståndsrörelsen idag, fredagen den 4 oktober, lämnat in ett protestbrev till de grekiska ambassaderna i Stockholm, Oslo, Helsingfors och Köpenhamn. Brevet innehöll ett krav om omedelbar frigivning av partiledaren och parlamentsledamoten Nikolaos Michaloliakos och de andra politiska fångarna från Gyllene gryning samt ett skarpt fördömande av den nuvarande regimen i Grekland.

Frihet för Nikolaos Michaloliakos och seger till Gyllene gryning!

Nordiska motståndsrörelsen
Norge – Sverige – Finland – Danmark

Nedan bilder från när brevet levererades i de olika nordiska länderna:









Läs brevet i sin helhet nedan:


On the morning of Saturday the 28th of September the government of Greece began arresting leading members of the political party Golden Dawn on charges of them leading, being and belonging to a «criminal organization».

Golden Dawn is a popular and growing opposition to the current regime in Greece that seems to be no more than a proxy government for the Zionist plutocrats. A regime which in an unprecedented and dangerous action works to establish a dictatorship behind a democratic mask.

The fact that the Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras, at a meeting with powerful Zionists in New York, publicly swore to eradicate Golden Dawn is highly illustrative of the above mentioned and the fact that the Greek regime is highly corrupt and is working against the interests of the Greek people.

At this point in time, some of the arrested members have been released awaiting potential charges and a coming trial. But most important, the leader Nikolaos Michaloliakos, is still held as a political prisoner.

The arrest and imprisonment of elected members of parliament and the leader of Golden Dawn is a heinous act by a dictatorial regime and constitutes a dire threat to the freedom of the Greek people.

We, The Nordic Resistance Movement, demand the immediate release of Nikolaos Michaloliakos, as well as all other political prisoners of the legitimate political party, Golden Dawn. A party that truly represents the interests of the Greek nation and its people.

If the political prisoners are not immediately released, we must conclude that it is proven beyond doubt that the ruling regime and its willing helpers within the judiciary constitute the true criminal and treasonous network within Greece.

Our message to individuals within the government, to the opportune helpers within the state apparatus and to the media that defend the criminal actions of the regime is:

Aiding in the persecution of Nikolaos Michaloliakos and others may now seem beneficial to you. The  Zionist proxy regime may appear all-powerful, but times are changing and a new national revolutionary force is rising in Europe.

Political change must and will come in Greece as well as in other European countries. One day a new  power will rule Europe and it will never forget the misdeeds of those who participated in the persecution of Golden Dawn.

Instead of committing acts of betrayal against your own nation, you should do the right thing: Defend  freedom in Greece, help Golden Dawn to bring down the current regime and establish a new national  revolutionary government that truly works for the Greek nation and its people.


The Nordic Resistance Movement in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark on October 4th 2013.

Brevet som lämnades in till ambassaderna.

  • Publicerad:
    2013-10-04 22:00